Handy Andy Hawaii
Home Service Marketing Client Project Profile

The Making Of Hawaii's #1 Trusted Handyman Company
When we started working with Handy Andy Hawaii, they were in the midst of growing their company and refining their services to focus on home repair and maintenance based services. At the time they also expanded their company to offer full home construction services. They went from about a hand full of service technicians in the previous year (2017) to 50 in June 2018. Hence the reason why they needed a company to take their digital marketing and ramp up their customer base to keep up with the expansion.
Handy Andy Hawaii already had a great story, purpose, and a mission serving as a transitional employment platform for veterans exiting the U.S. military service. So, we approached this project to (1) clearly market what they do to their target market, (2) spread the word about their story, purpose, and mission.
Here’s what we did and are currently doing for them:
Their previous website was very clunky, slow to load, and had unclear call-to-actions. The backend structure of the website was entirely a mess, so the website’s search engine rankings were non-existent.
We remade the entire website so that once a potential customer visited the website, they knew what services Handy Andy Hawaii provided and how to inquire for service. This is all done by designing the “above the fold” space of the website effectively.
Call-to-action buttons are strategically placed so that it’s easy for customers to call to inquire. And an inquiry form was added for customers to submit their service request who do not want to call.
The rest of the website is designed to keep people engaged while educating people about their services and sharing their story, purpose, and mission.

As mentioned, the website’s SEO was non-existent and was not ranking for even their most relevant keywords.
While rebuilding the website, we ensured the on-page SEO was structured correctly to ensure search engines knew what handyandyhawaii.com is and will rank the website accordingly. But, that’s not all that’s required for optimal search engine rankings.
We needed to get people talking about and mentioning Handy Andy Hawaii on their websites. Doing this helped with getting backlinks to the website which helps with search engine rankings.
We also got Handy Andy Hawaii listed on over 300 local listings and directories so that their digital footprint is everywhere providing “more lines in the water” for customers to bite on.
To date, HAH’s organic traffic has increased 75% (February 2018 – May 2018)
Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are the three main social tools we use for Handy Andy Hawaii to share Handy Andy Hawaii’s story and keep the brand in people’s mind.
We’ve built a good amount of followers to share relevant and informative content. It’s important to engage with the HAH following because of their purpose and mission in serving military veterans. It’s to keep the conversation going and continue to gain loyal supporters.
We also manage inquiries that come in through their social media properties. Once an inquiry comes in, we’ll gather the customer’s essential contact info and send it to our Sunex call center team to process.

Initially, the primary source of web traffic for Handy Andy Hawaii was from Google AdWords. Before we serviced their account, Google’s AdWord team set up their campaigns. Although they are the #1 go-to people to set your AdWords campaign up, they do not optimize the ads. This lead to wasted clicks and wasted ad budget.
When we took over, we optimized the ads to hone in on their newly updated target market and produced ad copy that was split tested. The results ended up with more quality leads rather than quantity.
We also produce, run, and manage engaging Facebook and Instagram Ad campaigns that explicitly targets Handy Andy Hawaii’s target market.
Because video is the most popular media that people engage with online, our Sunex video production team collaborated with Handy Andy Hawaii and produced a video marketing plan. We shot and edited a full commercial and recorded interview segments with some of the Handy Andy technicians as testimonials to help educate people about the HAH story, purpose, and mission.

Our Sunex Call Center and Receptionist services take care of all of Handy Andy Hawaii’s incoming and outgoing calls. As they grew, they had a systems problem where their call volume was being bottlenecked and they weren’t able to process the requests and email inquiries efficiently.
They hired our call center team, and we developed and implemented a process to take in customer phone inquiries, handle email inquiries, Yelp inquires, social media inquiries, make outbound calls to follow up on the customer’s service request, schedule jobs, and dispatch the technicians.
We work closely with the Handy Andy Team and contour our processes to fit their needs.
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